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۲۵ فروردین ۱۳۸۹

گفتگوی رکسانا صابری با مجله تایم

When Roxana Saberi packed her bags for Iran in 2003, she could not have anticipated that part of her six-year stay would include five months in the country's most notorious prison. When her press credentials were suddenly revoked in 2006 (after years of filing reports for foreign news organizations), she chose to stay in the country she had grown to love and work on a book instead. Then on Jan. 31, 2009, four men forced her from her home, accused her of being a spy and placed her in solitary confinement in Evin Prison. She was heavily interrogated and coerced into telling a false tale of how she used her book as a cover for her work as an American spy — a "confession" she later recanted. After a sham trial, she was sentenced to eight years in prison. Thanks in large part to international calls for her release (most notably from President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton), Saberi was freed on May 11, 2009. She returned home to publishBetween Two Worlds: My Life and Captivity in Iran — a much different book than the one she initially planned on writing.(See an audio slide show of Iranian society.)

Reading the acknowledgments section of your book is incredible — just to see all the people and organizations that supported your release.
I was very humbled by it and very grateful. Almost a little embarrassed that my detention had created such a fuss. I did hear a little bit about some of the efforts that were taking place on my behalf when I was in prison, and I felt empowered. I felt like I was not alone anymore.

How did the people of Iran — those who are not part of the regime — respond to your story?
When I was released, the Iranian people, many of them, came up to me and apologized for the way I was treated. They said, "I'm so sorry you were our guest in this country and this is how you were treated." I said, "I know it's not your fault. You had nothing to do with those people who arrested me." There were very kind shopkeepers who didn't want to charge me. A taxi driver told me that a local bazaar was selling "Roxana scarves" [blue scarves that resembled the one she wore in a photograph circulated in the media]. That was very amusing. It's not just me who they treat this way, but other political prisoners and prisoners of conscience who go to Evin. When they come out, they are seen as heroes. It's the exact opposite of what the regime wants to happen. I think that Iranians know that some of the best people — the most courageous among them — are sent to prison. They're punished because they are courageous enough to speak out for basic rights.(See pictures of daily life in Iran.)

Do you have hope for the future of Iran?
I do have hope for the country. Of course, right now, like many people, I am worried about the current state of affairs — the oppression and brutality and violence that has been used against people peacefully pursuing basic human rights. But I think the majority wants a more peaceful democratic government, a government that respects human rights.

Do you think change is possible?
So much of the population is young. About two-thirds of the population is under 30, so they weren't alive at the time of the revolution. They're more and more connected to the world through technology and travel, relatives in other countries. More and more women are going to universities, many people are moving from the rural areas into the cities so they're exposed to new ideas. Many Iranians realize what universal human rights are, and they want rights that they see other people in other countries having. Right now they face a lot of obstacles, but I think they will prevail. It's not clear when, but eventually they will.

In the meantime, a lot of Iranians may end up in a situation like yours.
I cried when I was freed, and my tears were both of joy and of sorrow — joy for my freedom, but sorrow for those prisoners of conscience I was leaving behind. I was freed in large part because of the amount of international support I was fortunate to get. What about all these other people? They deserve freedom as much as I did. That's a large part of why I wrote this book. So people would understand what happened to me is happening to so many others. I felt like I had both an opportunity and a responsibility to tell of the injustices that are taking place.

Will these methods succeed in silencing those who want change in Iran?
Using force and violence, imprisoning people, intimidating and harassing them — that will never eliminate these demands for change. It might scare them into silence, but it will only increase the gap between the regime and a large part of society. When you imprison one, you're breeding resentment among many other people — that prisoner's family members, friends and colleagues — so they are multiplying resentment by the measures they are using.

In the epilogue, you say that when you were first at home in the U.S., you found yourself looking over your shoulder. Do you still have that feeling? Like the Iranian government could come after you?
Yes, sometimes I do. I wonder if they can still read my e-mails now that I'm in America. Do they follow me here? They made it seem like they have agents all over the world, and I know that they do have a lot of agents in different parts of the world. I know other former prisoners feel the same way I do, and some have been threatened. I have not been threatened.

You didn't know for six years in Iran that they were following you as closely as they were.
People have asked me, "If you knew you were being watched or you thought you might be monitored, why did you still interview people?" I tell them, "Because what I was doing wasn't illegal." I was doing my work openly. I had nothing to hide. It's like Gandhi says, "There won't be a need for the secret service if you think everything out loud." I always thought if they know what I am doing, they will see that it is harmless. Every time I would go on an interview, I would tell people this was going to be published in English, to show a more complete view of Iran for outsiders. People were very willing to talk to me. They wanted outsiders to have a more comprehensive view of Iran.

Do you still plan to publish the book you were working on at the time of your arrest?
I'm not sure. I do hope that I can return to that book. If I don't write it, it could be a victory for my captors.

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آخه اين قراضه چيه؟ قوطی نوشابه صد برابر اين جذبه داره. اين است دست آورد هسته ای؟ بعد ميگيم سماور ميفرستن فضا ميگن نه!!! ما خيلی پيشرفته ايم! کار دستی يک بچه دبستانی از اين بهتر در ميآد.


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: توصیه های سکسی (حضرت محمد) را جدی بگیرید تا کودکان شما چهاروشش انگشتی یا مبتلا به جزام نشوند!

(((برگرفته از كتاب زنان پيغمبر اسلام نوشته حسين عماد زاده)))
با زن خودت در اول ماه و نيمه ماه جماع مكن كه ممكن است اولاد توبه مرض جنون وجزام مبتلا گردد
بعد از ظهر جماع مكن كه اولاد مات و متحير و سبك مغز شود و تاجنب هستي نزديك قرآن مرو كه مبادا آتش ازآسمان آيد و شماها را بسوزاند.
يا علي در موقع جماع خرقه بلندي بپوش و به زن خود بپوشان كه هر گاه دو نفر در يك خرقه باشيد ،دشمني بين شما ايجاد كند تا به طلاق برسد.
يا علي در شب فطر و شب اضحي و نيمه شعبان و شب بيست و نه و سي شعبان در زير آفتاب و زير درخت ميوه جماع مكن كه نقايص در اولاد پديدار شود.چون زن تو باردار شد و حامله گشت با وضو با او جماع كن در غير اين صورت ممكن است قلب او كور و بخيل شود.
ايستاده جماع مكن كه كه فرزند فراش خود را تر مي سازد و بوال مي گردد.
در شب فطر و شب اضحي مجامعت مكن كه نطفه در رحم پير مي شود.
يا علي مجامعت در شب اضحي فرزند را چهار و شش انگشتي مي نمايد.
در برابر آفتاب جماع مكن كه فقر و تنگي به فرزند روي مي آورد و بين اذان و اقامه نباشد كه حريص بر دنيا مي شود و سفاك مي گردد.
يا علي هميشه با وضو به بستر زن خود برو و گرنه دل فرزند بي بصيرت و بخيل مي گردد و جماع در نيمه شعبان نباشد كه صورت اولاد پر مو مي شود.
يا علي جماع در شبهاي دوشنبه فرزند را حافظ قرآن و راضي به قسمت مي سازد و در آخر رجب موجب بهت و جنون فرزند مي شود .در شب سه شنبه شهيد مي گردد و رقيق القلب و سخي الطبع مي شود. شب پنج شنبه حاكم و عالم و شب جمعه فقيه مي گردد. عصر جمعه دانشمند و محقق مي شود.
يا علي جماع در اول شب موجب سحر و توجه به دنيا ميشود ،اين وصاياي مرا گوش كن كه من از جبرئيل شنيدم و حفظ كردم.
و از حضرت صادق نقل مي شود كه :كسي كه مي خواهد با زن خود براي اولاد ذكور مجامعت نمايد ،دست راست خود را بر چشم راست خود بگذارد و هفت مرتبه سوره انا انزلنا بخواند. پس از آن مجامعت كند به همان اراده و هر روز صبح و عصر هفتاد مرتبه سبحان الله و ده مرتبه استغفرلله و نه مرتبه سبحان العظيم و يك مرتبه اين آيه را بخواند:استغفرالله ان الله كان غفارا يرسل السما عليكم مدرارا و يمددكم با موال و بنين و يجعل لكم جنات و يجعل لكم انهارا.
(((برگرفته از كتاب زنان پيغمبر اسلام نوشته حسين عماد زاده)))

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{ وسايل الشيعه – جلد 12}

به ظاهر خيلي ساده است اما حقيقتي تلخ است

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اما در آخر قرآن واقعا معجزه است چرا؟:

1ـ تنها کتاب مذهبی ا ست که توسط ميليون ها مسلمان بدون فهميدن کلمه ای ازآن، بزبان عربی وغالبأ از حقظ قرائت می شود.

2ـ تنها کتابی است که با وجود تعدد تناقضات و خلاف گوئی ها، سخنان تکراری و زائد و غلطهای فاحش، اکثر مسلمانان حتی جرات بزبان آوردن اين کاستی ها را نداشته چرا که بلافاصله گناهکارمحسوب می شوند.

3ـ تنها کتابی است فاقد شرح وقايع به ترتيب زمانی وبخش بندی روشن موضوعات و مطالب.

4ـ تنها کتابی است که اغلب آيه های آن بدون ا رتباط با يکديگرو هيچيک از سوره ها به موضوع ويژه ای اختصاص نيافته بلکه موضوعات مختلفی را برحسب اتفاق شامل می شود.

5ـ تنها کتابی است که ميليون ها مسلمان به غلط براين باورند که درزمان پيامبر تدوين، درحالی که تقريبأ بيست سال پس ازمرگ او گردآوری شده است.

6ـ تنها کتابی است که تعداد زيادی اشتباه گرامری داشته وبارها دستخوش تغيير بوده امــّا مؤمنين متعصب براين باورند که هرگز عوض نشده وخالی از هرگونه اشتباه است.

7ـ تنها کتابی است فاقد هرگونه تئوری واقعی علمی، با وجود اين متعصبين نابينا مدعی پيش بينی تعداد زيادی از تئوريهای علمی توسط آن هستند.

8ـ تنها کتابی است که توسط خشک مغزان متعصب به تمامی به خدای دانا و آگاه و قادر مطلق منسوب می شود درحالی که حتی ده درصد بندگان اين خدا براستی از صددرصد دستورات آن پيروی نمی کنند.

9ـ تنها کتابی ا ست که ادعا می شود به انسانی ترين بودن، درحالی که درآن الله بارها دستورکشتن انسانی توسط انسان ديگر را صادر می کند

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